
Faith Community Bible Church desires heart–level interaction with missions opportunities worldwide.

Our goal is to be a body of world-impacting followers of Christ who are partnering with our brothers and sisters here in Boise, Idaho and around the world to produce ever-multiplying churches all around our city, this country, and to the ends of the earth.
As we take a look at the current status of this task we see that all people are equally lost without Jesus, but all people do not have equal access to the message of saving faith through Jesus.  We desire to strategically bring gospel access to these least reached peoples. Many missions opportunities exist so our church has developed a set of core values which assists us in both determining what ministries to be involved with and where to focus our energies within those ministries.

Evangelistic Opportunity
FCBC has a strong desire to be involved in ministries that prioritize evangelism in ways that focus on pushing the gospel into places where the greatest need exists.

Relational Partnership
Building and strengthening the relationships between the families and churches we support is an extremely high priority for FCBC. Our hearts will only be moved to pray for and give to the ministries if we are relationally to our front line workers.

Church Planting
We believe the most effective way to spread the gospel is by the establishment of local churches led by indigenous peoples. The established local church is the best means to establish “hubs” of lifestyle evangelism for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

National Leadership Training
Leadership training is an essential component of healthy church planting. We feel that investing resources into biblically qualified leaders is wise because of the trickle down effect this will inevitably produce. Healthy leaders produce healthy churches.

Spiritual Stimulation at FCBC
We know that involvement in missions will produce fruit in our local church. It is our experience that our involvement in missions will draw us closer to the heart of Jesus. It is a high priority to structure our missions in such a way as to not neglect this principle.

Mission Partnerships


Tia & Atula Alinger, Chumyamo & Loyivani Murry

Academy of Christian Counseling & Theological Studies in Nagaland, northeast India. The primary focus is to train and equip young men to be pastors, and both men and women to be missionaries and counselors, throughout India and the northern bordering countries of Burma, Nepal, and Myanmar. FCBC helped finance a large building for the Bible school and housing for students. They also compassionately serve neighbors through providing wells, medical aid, and sewing machines.  


Hernán & Joan de la Cruz

Hernán and Joan live in Catalonia, Spain with the goal to help the Spanish local church fulfill her divine mandate of reaching out to the country. Together they shepherd and disciple the youth and young adults in their church, providing practical helps to families and the community. They are seeking to plant a church in a neighboring town.


Ramón & Raquel Ornelas

Barnabas Association. Ramón pastors a church in San Luis, Rio Colorado, Mexico. He is involved in local outreach as well as mission trips to Southern Mexico. Both Ramón and Raquel have hearts for orphans and have been active in an organization that cares for foster children.


Javier & Ester Sepulveda

Barnabas Association. Javier pastors a church in San Luis, Rio Colorado, Mexico. He and his wife, Esther, planted a now-thriving church on the outskirts of San Luis. They were also instrumental in developing a campground in La Rumorosa, Mexico, where FCBC has sent many short-term mission teams over the years to help with construction and VBS.

East Asia

Due to security concerns, we are unable to share personal information

This ministry has primarily been centered around counseling and pastor training. Through Bible studies, counseling seminars, training, and leadership development, the churches in the area are healthy and growing even amidst increasing persecution.

Southeast Asia

Due to security concerns, we are unable to share personal information

The Lord is using a language school for adults to strengthen their language skills and to share with them the hope that is found in the Lord. The gospel is presented through intentional relationships. A reading club brings large numbers of children to hear stories from the Word and where seeds for the gospel are planted.


Sheika & Haka Sanbuudorji

Witness Mongolia is a church-planting movement that seeks to preach the Gospel of salvation and establish healthy churches where there are no churches. They are touching lives and training leaders. In the last five years they have planted two churches: City Vision Church, Ulaanbaatar, and a church in Khovd (1,000 miles to the west). Haka is a midwife and physical therapist and oversees The Seeds of the Heart medical ministry, which impacts medical people and families with the gospel.

Cru Boise State

Billy & Angie Mogensen

Billy has served at Bosie State with Cru since 2004. His work includes sharing the gospel, discipling students, leading small groups, training other leaders, spring and summer missions trips, as well as large group weekly meetings. Billy also serves as an elder at FCBC.

Cru Boise State

Alexa Hazel

Alexa is a member of FCBC who joined the Cru staff in the fall of 2023. She is excited about the opportunities she has to meet one-on-one with new students and share the gospel with them. She is actively discipling several women. 

Glocal Community Partners

Carolyn Langley

Glocal partners with many churches in the Treasure Valley, including FCBC, to be an instrumental part in the healing and resettlement process for refugees here in the Boise area. They offer English classes, community gardens, and clothing and furnishings. Glocal Friendship Partners are opportunities for people to connect with refugees. Carolyn’s primary responsibility is the local community gardens.

Family Life

Isaac & Amy Fineman

A ministry of Cru. Isaac and Amy’s roles will involve coming alongside couples and individuals with the resources necessary to help them make a positive impact in their marriages, families, churches, and communities…sharing God’s Word so that every home is a godly home!