Who We Are
Children's Ministry at FCBC focuses on making disciples of Jesus by pointing children to the all-satisfying person of Jesus Christ. We desire for children to know they are loved and valued by God as well as cared for by our ministry team.
What We Do
Sunday Morning - Each Sunday we provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to explore and discover their faith. We have classes at 9:00 am and 10:45 am for Nursery through 5th grade. Our Biggest Story curriculum is a weekly Bible study that helps all ages dive deep into the big story of the Bible—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday Evenings - Adventure Club is designed for kids aged four to 5th grade and is set up as a unified curriculum, where all members of a family receive the same weekly lesson. The unified nature enables parents to engage with all their children on the same central truth, memory verse, and theological application.
Tuesday Evenings - Adventure Club is designed for kids aged four to 5th grade and is set up as a unified curriculum, where all members of a family receive the same weekly lesson. The unified nature enables parents to engage with all their children on the same central truth, memory verse, and theological application.
How to Get Involved
Classrooms for 0-2 year olds are open ten minutes prior to the start of the service. 3 year olds - 5th graders are invited to worship with their families and then are dismissed into their classrooms. If you are interested in serving in the classroom, please fill out this form:
Sara Vandenbos
Children's Ministry Director

Anna Williams
Children's Ministry Administrative Assistant
Learn More
New Here?
If you are new to FCBC, please enter one of the two main entrances and make your way to the Children’s Ministry wing. We have dedicated volunteers ready to help get your child checked into our system and usher you to the appropriate classrooms. Each volunteer has been through a background check and training to ensure the safety of our children. Our assistants and teachers are servants that are called to this ministry; they love what they do.
Interested in Serving?
“It takes more than parents to raise a child. It takes a family — a large family. Thank God that He has given us the church to be the family of God and blessed us all with the privilege of raising children.” - Mark Bates
We are currently in need of loving assistants and teachers! We believe that the parents in our body are not solely responsible for the nurture and admonition of the children. It is the responsibility of the entire body. Our goal is not so children can sit through a service quietly just going through the motions. Our goal is for them to hear about the Savior, and by God's grace, be changed by Him! Please fill out this form if you’re interested in serving and reach out to Sara Vandenbos, FCBC Children’s Ministry Director.
What Can You Do?
- Bring your child to church consistently. The continuity helps your child feel more comfortable with us and helps us get to know them better, so we can build a relationship.
- Read the parent email we send each week that summarizes the lesson and talk to your child about it throughout the week.
- Help your child memorize scripture. We have a new memory verse every week.

Sunday School
We use The Biggest Story curriculum on Sunday Mornings. This leads readers on an exciting journey through the Bible, from the garden of Eden to the return of Christ. This fun curriculum based on the book draws kids into Scripture and helps them grasp its overarching message of redemption. Each family is equipped with a devotional that they can incorporate at home. If you want to access the curriculum videos or podcast, click here for more information!
Child Dedications
Dedication does not secure salvation, but rather makes a statement of commitment on the part of the parents to create an environment where Christ’s
offer of salvation is clearly presented to the child as he or she grows in his or her understanding of God. If you are interested in having your child dedicated, please fill out this form. Dedications for 2025 will happen the following dates:
- March 23
- June 1
- October 12