Sexual Integrity Ministry

This ministry will help in 3 primary ways:

Understanding: Why do I keep going back despite knowing it hurts myself and others? How can I begin experiencing freedom? Will it always be like this? These questions and others will help you understand why you do what you do and how to change for the better.

Community: Men tend to struggle developing deep friendships, which breeds loneliness (a common trigger for guys). Nothing deepens relationship faster than sharing in raw experiences. This is true in war and it’s true when walking side by side with up to 7 other men toward freedom in Christ.

Accountability: 1 John 1:9 says that confession is a primary mechanism God uses to cleanse us. These confidential groups offer men the opportunity to be fully known and loved so they can wholeheartedly pursue healing.
Our heart at FCBC is for all men to be surrounded by a community of godly men they can be fully known and loved by. We believe integrity and authentic community is a catalyst for falling madly in love with Christ and being the husbands, fathers, and leaders that God has called us to be. Our God is a God who redeems. No matter how far you’ve gone, or how long you’ve lived in the shadows, God can redeem you and work through you… if you’ll let him. To learn more about this ministry or to join a recovery group, please contact Matt.

Matt Willis

Sexual Integrity Lead

After over a decade trapped in a secret addiction, the Lord brought Matt healing through exposure, recovery groups and the steadfast love of his wife, Sarah. This healing has led Matt from a life of shame, fear and deliberately shallow relationships with God and others to a deep, passionate love for God, His people, and their healing. This ministry strives to help men become the leaders God has called and created them to be.