
We have a private church directory for the purpose of our church members connecting with one another.
To access the directory, you must be a known attender of FCBC and request access from the church office. 

How to Join the Directory

  • Email the church office ( to request access.
  • Upon receiving an email invitation to the Church Center Directory, click the button “Join Directory” to accept the invitation and view the directory! At this point, you can access the directory, but you are not visible to others on the directory.
  • While viewing the directory, click the link to share your information.
  • Select all the members of your household that you would like to include in the directory, and then select what information you would like to have visible for each individual. You can go back and edit these selections at any time.
  • Please add a household picture to help put a face with your name!
  • Once you have selected all the household members and information that you would like to share, click “Join Directory.” You are now listed in the Church Center Directory!

You can edit your profile information and pictures at any time by logging into Church Center on the app or webpage and clicking on your profile picture in the upper right corner of the screen. This will allow you to change profile information and photos for you and all members of your household. If you have any issues or questions, please contact the church office. We are happy to help!